Read our blog

Post #185: There’s no place like dome
January 28, 2023 I expected the wind to die down during the night, but it had other ideas and when I awoke at 2

Post #184: Tip of the iceberg
January 27, 2023 I woke to the “ping” of my phone charging, which meant the generator had come on. Last night the wind never stopped

Post #183: Blown away by Patagonia
January 26, 2023 Our rustic room’s window looked out over the mountains and as the sun rose, it cast pink upon the snowy peaks.

Post #182: Into the Patagonian countryside
January 25, 2023 We both woke up with pretty severe sore throats again, and again we had no heat. I felt like I was

Post #181: Best laid plans
January 24, 2023 Travel, we’ve found, is not always glamorous; sometimes it’s just dealing with normal crap in different countries. I woke up at

Post #180: Flamingos and guanacos and rheas, oh my!
January 23, 2023 The late-night El Calafate revelers, the nearby road and the early sun conspired again to limit our sleep to just a

Post #179: Above the end of the world as we know it
January 22, 2023 We spent a few hours wandering about Ushuaia in the morning. The sky was clear, the air crisp and the streets

Post #178: Glacier Martial
January 21, 2023 We woke up early and after a breakfast downstairs of cereal, cheese sandwiches and yogurt, Maria called us a taxi to

Post #177: Pinguinos!
January 20, 2023 Having an alarm go off when you’re retired, especially an early one, is a rude awakening. It was not quite 6

Post #176: Southern-most city in the world
January 19, 2023 Alaska, Machu Pichu, Tasmania, Nepal, Bali. Some place names come equipped with a special magic. So it was with our next

Post #175: Buenos Aires
Mid January – Early February 2023 Last year, we’d traveled around northern parts of South America, including Colombia and Peru. This year, our goal was much farther south, eventually

Post #174: Covid
September 1-9, 2022 As we woke, a solitary loon floated on the lake 100 feet from shore, sleeping, with his head tucked over his

Post #173: The Cassiar
August 31, 2022 The forecast we’d seen for where we were camping had called for a low of 44 degrees. We both woke shivering

Post #172: Down river
August 30, 2022 Clomping boots on the wooden sidewalk outside our Bunk House door woke us and by 7:30 we were showered and looking

Post #171: Dawson City, Yukon
August 29, 2022 It was barely 40 degrees, windy and foggy when we woke up in the truck. We still had over 250 miles of

Post #170: End of the road!
August 28, 2022 We’ve said it before, but we really try to avoid campgrounds, especially on weekends. Even though we were at the quiet

Post #169: Latitude 66° 33N
August 27, 2022 In the morning, we woke to light rain but soon after the rain cleared we could see other rain clouds 20,

Post #168: Tombstone Territorial Park
August 26, 2022 We woke up to a mixture of sun and clouds and headed down the road from our hilltop campsite. Before we

Post #167: Sittin’ on Top of the World
August 25, 2022 After a leisurely breakfast at our cabin in Middle of Nowhere, AK, we continued driving southeast, completing a giant loop through

Post #166: Pipedreams
August 24, 2022 After we left Denali National Park and were back on the highway the next morning, I happened to glance in the

Post #165: Denyli
August 23, 2022 I know, it looks like we spelled Denali wrong, but Denyli seemed more appropriate since the mountain denies visitors the opportunity

Post #164: Alaska’s largest igloo
August 22, 2022 We left the fun, funky, muddy little town of Talkeetna and headed north to Denali National Park, a few hours to

Post #163: Talkeetna
August 21, 2022 Where we were camped by the Susitna River turned out to be a favorite for local fishermen and we’d forgotten how

Post #162: Moving at a glacial pace
August 20, 2020 It rained on and off during the night and the sound on the roof of the cozy cabin overlooking the bay

Post #161: The Spit
August 19, 2022 It rained much of the night but we were snug in our cabin. At 7:30 am sharp, I called a nearby

Post #160: Rainy sky as we head to Kenai
August 18, 2022 Rain – lots of it – was in the forecast for the next few days so we took advantage of the

Post #159: Glacier Chasers
August 17, 2022 We woke to light rain and headed out of the gorgeous waterfall campground by 7 am. Near the town of Glenallen,

Post #158: Wrangling Wrangell rangers
August 16, 2022 We were on the road by 7:30 am, delaying coffee and breakfast until we had some miles under our belt for

Post #157: Alaska!
August 15, 2022 Despite being as careful as possible the night before, we both had some mosquito bites. We don’t like crawling into bed

Post #156: A wolf in wolf’s clothing
August 14, 2022 I awoke around 2 am to thunder and torrential rain, something we’d likely be camping in had we not stopped for

Post #155: Mile Zero
August 13, 2022 It was a cool night near the lake and we were snug under our heavy blanket when just after sunrise, and

Post #154: Above the peaks
August 12, 2022 After more hot showers to wake us up in the cold morning, we headed to the nearby town of Jasper, nestled

Post #153: The world’s most beautiful lake?
August 11, 2022 It was much colder last night than it had been, about 47 degrees – no more 100-degree days. The heat wave

Post #152: Canadian live streaming
August 10, 2022 Fortunately, it didn’t rain during the night and the steep trail was dry. But the wind died just as we got

Post #151: Puttin’ on the Ritz
August 9, 2022 We woke up around 1956 and after a shower in a pink tub that countless other travelers had used, we set

Post #150: Heading north
August 8, 2022 Why do we go away? So that we can come back and see where we are with new eyes. Coming back to

Post #149: Four “C’s”: city, coast, cave and canyon
June 25-26, 2022 We slept really well in the cool mountain air with the creek rushing nearby as soothing background noise. So far, every

Post #148: Finding the lost coast
June 25, 2022 Somewhere around 3 am we woke up to an incredibly clear, starry sky. The fog had lifted and the Milky Way

Post #147: The Enchanted Forest
June 24, 2022 There was no unexpected knock on the window and we slept well with the pounding surf 50 feet below us. Once,

Post #146: Mendocino sunset
June 23, 2022 Back in the day, we used to wake up really early to leave on a trip but now we rarely feel

Post #145: ¡Hasta luego! Sudamérica
February 8, 2022 Lima is the tidiest Latin American city we’d ever visited. There is an army of uniformed cleaners who are out all

Post #144: Wait, there’s an ancient pyramid in the city?
February 7, 2022 We woke up again to perfect weather. It was summer here and we were told the winters could be dreary with

Post #143: We heart Lima
February 6, 2022 Less than a day in Lima and we already were taken by it. Lima’s not really exotic, but it still has

Post #142: Señor, you must come with me
February 5, 2022 The next morning, we had a decent breakfast at the small hotel, included in the US $30 room price. Our clothes

Post #141: Out of the jungle and into the jungle
February 4, 2022 It dawned cloudy again and at sunrise we could hear thousands of bees swarming the nearby wild fruit trees while parrots

Post #140: Oran
February 3, 2022 The day dawned cloudy unlike previous days. The wind had changed from the west to the east. At home such a

Post #139: Apex predator of the Amazon
February 2, 2022 It was February but that’s summer south of the equator and it was hot. Even overnight it probably never went below

Post #138: Rollin’ on the river
February 1, 2022 We slept like rocks for almost 10 hours, finally catching up on sleep. Breakfast was huge and tasty, and I couldn’t

Post #137: Into the jungle
January 31, 2022 Getting a hotel room last night, even for five hours of sleep, had been a really good idea. When we walked

Post #136: Cancel culture
January 29-30, 2022 We woke at 4:30 am so we could arrive two hours ahead of our early morning flight from the Pereira airport.

Post #135: “Medellín Lite”
January 28 Over a leisurely breakfast, we discussed the most difficult part of the entire trip, getting to our prepaid 5-day Amazon adventure at

Post #134: Coffee 101
January 27, 2022 Early risers that we are, we were ready to head to breakfast before it was ready for us. Magical early morning

Post #133: Sky high palms
January 26, 2022 We came to breakfast at the hotel promptly at 7:30 am when service began, as we had a big day planned.

Post #132: South from Medellín to hills of coffee beans
January 25, 2022 We really like Medellín. The food, the weather, the people and the beauty make it a place we’ll never forget. But true

Post #131: Final toast to Medellín
January 24, 2022 We wanted to spend our last day in Medellín exploring some of the famous local museums. Unfortunately, it was a Monday

Post #130: Stairway to heaven
January 23, 2022 We’d prearranged for a private guide today to pick us up at 7:30 am and take us a couple hours away

Post #129: Medellín at night
January 22, 2022 We woke early, hoping to beat the rain forecasted for later in the day and took a US$1.50 Uber 15 minutes

Post #128: Street gangs to street art
January 21, 2022 Susan woke up feeling better, at last. We both were able to enjoy the hotel’s enormous breakfast spread before heading out

Post #127: A fruitful day
January 20, 2022 The hotel had an excellent breakfast spread included with our room and it was the first time since Covid began that

Post #126: City of Eternal Spring
January 19, 2022 We both woke just as the sky was getting light. The wind had picked up, gently blowing the mosquito netting around

Post #125: Dinner with a view
January 18, 2022 When we woke up the full moon was still visible through the canopy and it felt like we were in a

Post #124: Marvelous night for a moondance
January 17, 2022 Susan still had stomach cramps when she woke up and we both assumed it was the welcome water the day before

Post #123: Water to woods
January 16, 2022 All night Tagonga partied. Every time I woke, I heard music and dogs and honking as the locals celebrated Saturday night.

Post #122: Water, water everywhere but not enough to drink
January 15, 2022 Friday night, as expected, was noisy even up the hill at our hostel. But we had a door that closed and

Post #121: Exploring Colombia’s oldest fishing village
January 14, 2022 Quiet and nights seem to be mutually exclusive in this part of Colombia. Music and a constant stream of unmuffled traffic

Post #120: Above the sea
January 13, 2022 We woke bleary-eyed around 7 am. Today, we wanted to get an early start to our day and catch a bus to

Post #119: Wall art outside the wall
January 12, 202 Last night, we went to bed early, glad for the extra noise-proof double-pane glass door that sealed us from some of

Post #118: Bienvenido a Cartagena
January 11, 2022 We were so excited the night before we left that we could barely sleep, and it didn’t help that we were visiting

Post #117: Vermilion Cliffs are nature’s gifts
September 6, 2021 As with any couple, Susan and I each have our strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to navigating, Susan is usually

Post #116: The North Rim
September 5, 2021 Last night was chilly and clear and with the new moon the sky was very dark and about as full of bright

Post #115: Hoodoos and movie crews
September 2-3, 2021 We waited in the hotel room for the rain to stop, then packed the truck for the next adventure, to a

Post #114: Million-dollar highway
August 31-September 1, 2021 I don’t know what it is about Gunnison, but both times we’ve been there it’s been the coldest weather of

Post #113: Rocky mountain dunes
August 30, 2021 The campground was very quiet and everyone abided by the rules that no generators be run after 10:00 pm or before 8:00

Post #112: Castle in the sky
August 29, 2021 It was hard to get to sleep in the Best Campground Ever with all the beauty around us and the peaceful

Post #111: On the right track
August 28, 2021 In the morning, we bid our hosts farewell and headed toward Colorado Springs, about two hours southeast of their home. We wound our

Post #110: From boulders to Boulder, and Denver to John Denver
August 26-27, 2021 We got an early start the next morning because after 9:00 am a pass is required (none were available to us)

Post #109: Five hikes, four moose, many elk
August 25, 2021 There’s a phenomenon I’ve noticed with campers, as well as boaters who anchor. If there is a large empty area to

Post #108: Past the passes
August 24, 2021 Pro tip: Always check the alarm clock in a hotel room just in case somebody set it for some crazy early

Post #107: A marbelous day
August 23, 2021 We woke to rain spattering on the roof, wind blowing the aspens and gray skies. Without a recent forecast we had

Post #106: Mudbathing
August 22, 2021 A few drops fell during the night and we saw lightning in the distance but the worst of the weather stayed

Post #105: Smoke gets in our eyes
August 28, 2021. Eight o’clock sharp. That’s when we left, exactly one hour after we wanted to. But a change of route decided the night

Post #104: The Monarchs
August 5, 2021 Knowing that even at an altitude of 7,500 feet it was going to be hot in the thin-air sun and that the

Post #103: Towering trees, tiny falls, and twisting roads
August 4, 2021 We agreed that this boondocking campground in Kings Canyon was one of our all-time top five. The stunning views of 11-14,000

Post #102: Road’s End
August 3, 2021 We left the next morning a few minutes after waking up, the chairs and table already packed away the night before.

Post #101: Away down south from Dixie
August 2, 2021 Getting to some of the most beautiful places in California from our house means crossing the Golden state’s agricultural heartland. California is

Post #100: Paddling in lava
June 18-19, 2021 This is our 100th blog post, which finds us, ironically, at Lassen Volcanic National Park only a couple of hours from home

Post #99: The cone of hell
June 17, 2021 Snick, crunch, crunch. Snick, crunch, crunch. Snick, crunch, crunch. We’d never hiked a cinder cone before and it was getting obvious that the

Post #98: The vanilla forest
June 16, 2021 California is in one of its worst droughts ever mostly because last winter received far less precipitation than normal. Fire season has

Post #97: Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
April 1, 2021 Spring sure starts late at high elevation. Once again, we woke to a very cold morning, this time in the high desert

Post #96: All you need is gloves
March 31, 2021 It was as cold as predicted overnight and the walk outside to the hotel lobby for breakfast felt like mid-winter as we

Post #95: We threw in the Taos
March 30, 2021 We lingered over breakfast and coffee in the sun at our quiet Bandelier National Monument campsite. It was chilly but not like

Post #94: Hot springs, atomic bombs and a fiery sky
March 29, 2021 We left the hotel in Albuquerque feeling clean and rested. A short drive brought us to nearby Petroglyph National Monument. We decided

Post #93: Full moon and desert dunes
March 28, 2021 A strong cold breeze and bright full moon kept us up a lot during the night. We’d hoped to arrive at nearby

Post #92: Organically in the Organ Mountains
Art credit March 27, 2021 We were awakened by a stereotype at 3 am: a lone coyote (likely near a saguaro cactus, I was

Post #91: The old and the new west
March 26, 2021 The wind died overnight and no critters visited (that we knew of). We were underway by 7 am. We drove back down

Post #90: Prickles to the left of me, prickles to the right
March 25, 2021 It’s always strange waking up in a hotel after camping for a few days. The luxury of a queen-size bed vs a

Post #89: Phamily in Phoenix
March 24, 2021 At dawn, we were serenaded awake by coyotes not far away. Way better than an alarm clock, I thought. A couple of

Post #88: Pueblo archeology
March 23, 2021 I woke suddenly at 6:00 am to a strong wind gust and rain slapping against the windows. The rain wasn’t supposed to

Post #87: Rockin’ Red Rock Country
March 22, 2021 Neither of us slept well last night because our room was directly over the busiest intersection in Prescott and loud trucks and

Post #86: Taking a break at Watson Lake
March 21, 2021 Lulled by the strong wind rocking the truck through the night, we both slept soundly. By morning, the wind had almost entirely

Post #85: Snorin’ in the Sonoran
March 20, 2021 While the night desert had been quiet, both of us accused the other of snoring last night. Not the earth-rattling kind but

Post #84: The snowbirds flew the coop
March 19, 2021 Only some softly hooting desert owls disturbed our sleep during the night. The rising sun illuminated snow on peaks of the distant

Post #83: Not quite Mexico
March 18, 2021 It was a dark and stormy night. Actually, it was morning and it was a bit drizzly and partly cloudy but I

Post #82: A dose of vitamin sea
February 26, 2021 The cold settled in overnight and when we eventually said good morning to each other, we laughed as we could see our

Post #81: Miles to go before we peak
February 25, 2021 The moon was bright and the campground was eerily lit at midnight as owls hooted to each other. It was a cold

Post #80: The pinnacle of national parks
February 24, 2021 10:45 am. Her: Hey, I know this is kind of sudden, but I was thinking about a little camping trip we could

Post # 79: Firefall at dawn
February 14, 2021 The wind blew all night but we were snug in the truck and protected enough not to get too much dust inside.

Post #78: A shaggy oasis
February 13, 2021 We both woke up by 7 groggy from lack of sleep. The loud couple got up and waved to us and we

Post #77: Mecca Hills, part deux
February 12, 2021 Sadly, the room air conditioner in the hotel was noisy when it was on and too quiet when it was off, which

Post #76: Palm Desert pause
February 11, 2021 Light clouds rolled in overnight and dimmed the usual spectacular star show. But the night was quiet and we slept peacefully. Initially,

Post #75: The Sierra’s forgotten stepsister
February 10, 2021 We both slept warmly last night despite the cold temperatures outside and were greeted by the sun coming up behind us. Sometime

Post #74: The Pass Less Taken
February 9, 2021 Sometimes an adventure just comes together. We had nothing on our calendars scheduled for a week so we came up with a

Post #73: To Half Dome and beyond
January 16, 2021. It got dark at the campsite by 5 pm, but the nearby RV’s generator didn’t shut off until 9. We couldn’t imagine

Post #72: The lake John Muir hated
January 15, 2021. It was in the upper 30’s when we woke up in the campsite by the creek, the trickling water welcoming us as

Post #71: Thanks, climate change
January 14, 2021. A few days of rainy and cool weather was starting to make us antsy for a road trip. We found a window

Post #70: The Mohave
December 19, 2020 I stepped out of the truck very early in the morning before the sun was up as a gentle cold wind blew.

Post #69: London Bridge is…in Arizona
December 18, 2020 It was cold when we got up, somewhere not much above freezing. Parker, Arizona looked like a working-class town that was unhurried

Post #68: Chutes and Ladders
December 17, 2020 The desert can be chilly at night in the winter, but we were warm with our extra blanket. Bugs don’t like the

Post #67: Our very own slot canyon
December 16, 2020 We both woke up a little chilly, but only our faces. The outside temperature was 25 according to the truck when I

Post #66: Sequoias in the snow
December 15, 2020 Sleeping next to a highway rarely makes for a good sleep, but because this one mostly went into the park, it was

Post #65: So what if it’s December, let’s head to the mountains!
December 14, 2020 California instituted new Covid restrictions a few days ago. Hotels were closed to all except essential workers, all campgrounds were closed and

Post #64: Autumn in Utah
September 30 – October 1, 2020 We weren’t nearly as cold as the night before—only 49 degrees this time—and we slept until the sun began

Post #63: From the world’s worst dirt road to the world’s best slot canyons
September 29, 2020 We both shivered half the night because we’d forgotten to bring our extra down blanket. I saw why we shivered—it was 29

Post #62: Living on the edge
September 28, 2020 We woke at dawn after an agitated sleep and immediately checked for an update on the fire near home. Fortunately, the news

Post #61: Twists and turns of the road and the river
September 27, 2020 It was a peaceful if chilly night by the corral with no sound but the wind. We made a leisurely breakfast at

Post #60: An almost dangerous hike
September 26, 2020 We woke as the sun came up and by 8 am we were in Moab. The two-mile traffic jam from the night

Post #59: Back to where we started
September 25, 2020 We woke up at first light. Last night was peaceful but neither of us slept well for no reason we could ascertain.

Post #58: Serendipity
September 23-24, 2020 After taking care of lots of little details and closing up our house to keep out the wildfire smoke, we finally hit

Post #57: Glass ride
August 17-18, 2020 A cool comfy sleep is just the thing after a motorcycle trip from (or to) hell. Yesterday’s asphalt-melting ride to Napa was

Post #56: Hell? yeah
August 16, 2020 The idea was to ride the motorcycle to Glass Beach in Fort Bragg, California on a two-day 550-mile loop . We would

Post #55: Skinny beach
August 11-12, 2020 Covid is causing more people to try new things, such as camping, for the first time. We love seeing people discover how

Post #54: A dry waterfall
August 10, 2020 As expected, the sunrise over the lake was spectacular, even if we slept in and missed the first part. It was cool

Post #53: Musical campsites
August 9, 2020 We’d had a wonderful one-month stretch at home, with family visiting for much of it, but now we were ready to explore

Post #52: Montana—Idaho—Washington—Oregon, then back to California
July 7-8, 2020 The terminus of our trip was supposed to be Glacier National Park. We were going to head there first, but five days

Post #51: To the most beautiful road in the U.S.
July 6, 2020 We woke at 6:30 and within 10 minutes we were underway to the South Rim of the Yellowstone Trail. Before we even

Post #50: Yellowstone
July 5, 2020 We woke up ready to leave. Ready in that everything was packed up so we could head out early. The Tetons are

Post #49: Death is an option
July 4, 2020 It was cool last night, around 45 degrees, which made for good sleeping. We lingered until the sun came through the windows

Post #48: The nook of Mormons
July 3, 2020 11:30 pm: The four twenty-somethings camped across from us kept talking and getting in and out of their car a few yards

Post #47: A two marmot day
July 2, 2020 We woke to sun streaming in the windows and it was cool enough out that Susan donned her puffy coat to step

Post #46: Grand Tetons
July 1, 2020 During the night it started to rain and we were glad to be inside. It was a cold rain with wind but

Post #45: Jackson Hole
June 30, 2020 The cheap hotel the night before turned out to be just what we needed. By the time we checked out, we were

Post #44: We take the high road
June 29, 2020 I woke up about 2 am and turned off the fan, partly because we didn’t need it anymore and partly because I

Post #43: The land of dinosaurs
June 28, 2020 We’d never made camp the night before and it was quite chilly camped at high elevation, so we left right after we

Post #42: Beautiful, frustrating Twin Falls, Idaho
June 27, 2020 We showered one more time in the morning to get our money’s worth at the hotel and set off to Twin Falls,

Post #41: Oregon from west to east
June 26, 2020 3 pm on the Oregon coast: Wow, the sun is shining bright—I could live here. Any other time: It’s so dreary I could never

Post #40: Dunes to headlands
June 25, 2020 When I woke up, I knew I wanted something hot for breakfast. The wind had mostly died but it was chilly and

Post #39: Seven hikes
June 24, 2020 Most campgrounds wake pretty early. But Redwood Bar wasn’t like most campgrounds. There were no designated sites, rather dozens of spots along

Post #38: Heading east to the western states
June 23, 2020 With both of us feeling the travel itch again, we decided to take a trip in our own “backyard” and see parts

Post #37: Rumble to Reno
June 10-11, 2020 While we love camping, we really love traveling. Camping is an affordable way to wake up in awesome places and allows us

Post #36: Obsidian obsession
May 28-29, 2020 To get a perfect night’s sleep requires several things. Each sense must be completely satisfied. A soft comfortable surface to lie on,

Post #35: Where the antelope play
May 27, 2020 Our remote campsite last night was incredibly quiet. We slept in and woke up with the sun already streaming through the tall

Post #34: To the bat cave!
May 26, 2020 I stepped out of the truck at about 2 am and looked at the sky. It was hard to believe how bright

Post # 33: Through Susanville to the Modoc
May 25, 2020 We always said that once we actually retire and we get tired of the rainy winters or baking summers, we’d simply leave

Post #32: Homeward bound
May 10, 2020 We’d escaped the heatwave at home, but now the forecast for the entire north part of California was for several days of

Post #31: Susan says, “it’s a gorge-ous day”
May 9, 2020 We woke to muted sun low through the trees, a chill, a faint pine scent, and the ever-present smile-inducing sound of Trail

Post #30: The most perfect campsite
May 8, 2020 We woke up early and when we stepped out of the truck we were surprised that it wasn’t as cold as we

Post # 29: Leaving the heat behind
May 7, 2020 We left the house at about 9 am, heading north and west to escape a coming heat wave and find some places

Post #28: A romantic waterfall
April 30, 2020 A gentle breeze rustled the oak leaves and whispered in the pines above us as we woke. The night had been incredibly

Post #27: A waterfull day – a lake, a spring, a river, and three waterfalls
April 29, 2020 The skies clouded overnight and the temperature didn’t fall as much as we’d expected. We both slept warm and comfortable on our

Post #26: Faeries and a castle
April 28, 2020 It had been six weeks since we began sheltering in place due to the coronavirus and we needed to get out. We’d

Post #25: Home is on the other side of the mountains
March 16, 2020 We woke at daybreak and took a short walk along the lake’s edge. Our campsite next to the lake was peaceful and

Post #24: The valley and the lake
March 15, 2020 Refreshed, we decided to spend some time in our hotel, taking care of business – phone calls to family, canceling our May

Post #23: It’s 6:18, wake up!
March 14, 2020 My phone was supposed to wake us at 6 am this morning and didn’t. We planned to take in the sunrise at

Post #22: Over the rainbow
March 13, 2020 It was a pleasant evening camping in Mesquite Canyon. Then a gentle breeze sprang up after we’d gone to bed. Soon, the

Post #21: That is one tight ass canyon
March 12, 2020 The sunset the night before in the Alabama Hills was followed by a perfect moonrise. When I stepped out of the truck

Post #20: On the way to Alabama. Hills that is
March 11, 2020 Voyagers can find travel addictive as minds expand with horizons. So it is with us. Less than two weeks after returning from

Post #19: There’s no wrong way when there is no way-Susan
February 28, 2020 I awoke around 3 am and stepped outside. There were no coyotes yipping this time but amazingly I could faintly hear the

Post #18: Whales watching us
February 27, 2020 The wind blew through the night and shook the truck at times but eventually diminished a little. Getting out of the SUV

Post #17: Thar she blows
February 26, 2020 All through the night, the wind howled. The palm fronds hung on bravely and the sand dust swirled throughout the campground and

Post #16: Where the desert meets the sea
February 25, 2020 Again we woke to the swooshing of swaying palms brushing across the truck. The forecast was for even higher winds with gusts

Post #15: And the wind did blow
February 24, 2020 In the morning in Baja, the wind is usually light. But this day, by noon, it was howling and blew 25 mph

Post #14: Magical Loreto
February 23, 2020 A constant cool breeze flowed through the truck while the surf lulled us all night. The forecast was for robust wind, but

Post #13: That road?!?!?
February 22. 2020 We woke up early with the sunrise and decided to head to Agua Verde before breakfast. Not long after leaving, we started

Post # 12: Waves, in stereo
February 21, 2020 We woke at 5:45 am (first light) to absurdly loud, throbbing Mexican music. After being gone all night, the fishermen I’d helped

Post #11: Slowing down
February 20, 2020 Day two at Playa Pilitas started after a good night’s sleep with a cool breeze blowing through the screened windows. Before breakfast,

Post #10: We visit Hotel California. Yes, that one
February 19, 2020 The decision to stay another day in Cabo was nixed a few seconds after it was uttered, and unanimously. The crowds, traffic,

Post #9: Choice is the richest luxury
February 18, 2020 Let’s go sit in the hot pool! The sun was just rising and Susan was already awake. Groggily, I said sure, but

Post #8: The chocolate melted
February 17, 2020 Many years ago, sailing friends, when asked how far south they planned to go, used to say, ‘til the butter melts. For

Post #7: How far is that lighthouse?
February 16, 2020 Turns out, a long way. After waking to a stunning orange sunrise over the sea, followed by a breakfast of oatmeal and

Post #6: Cacti on the coast
February 15, 2020 We woke sprawled on the hotel’s double-twin bed (not to be confused with a real king). Then another hot shower and then

Post #5: Love in the big city
February 14, 2020 After the wind died down overnight, the stillness was powerful. A late-night bathroom break presented stars from horizon to horizon with the

Post #4: Perfect enough to stay another day
February 13, 2020 We awoke to a much warmer day. The wind had died overnight and the clouds were staying away. After a breakfast of

Post #3: Really officer, it’s CBD
February 12, 2020 We decided to leave the next morning. Not that there was anything wrong with where we were. In fact, the palapa was

Post #2: In which Susan says “That extra two inches really makes a difference.”
February 11, 2020 Last night we both slept really well – like nine or 10 hours well. Susan recently added a two-inch memory foam top

Post #1: Crossing the border
February 10, 2020 Somewhere south of San Felipe. We left Susan’s old friend Linda’s beautiful house in San Diego about eight this morning after taking